First, thanks for your order from my tiny online store! I've been deluged with over 50 orders this weekend, and I have no idea how you found me (I don't advertise...)! If you don't mind sending me a quick response as to how you heard of my store, I'd greatly appreciate it! I have someone to thank for this surge in traffic, but since the orders are from all across the country, it's clearly not some regional mention. (Maybe you'd forward the URL/tweet/facebook post to me?) Any stamped packages are already in the mail. Anything heavier than an ounce will be shipped via USPS this week. If you have any problems with the safe and quick arrival of your items, don't hesitate to send me an email, and I'll get it settled ASAP - I want all of you to enjoy my stickers, pranks and more! Again, many thanks for your order, and as an extra gift, every shipped package has a free surprise sticker inside! Andrew